Founder and Creator at Believers in Exile, for those who love God but no longer fit within institutional religion. Writing my first book (Coming Soon!). Fighting against religious abuse and misbehavior done in the name of God.Dedicated to cultivating a progressive, compassionate, and deeply spiritual faith.


As a former pastor and evangelical, I aim to support fellow believers in spiritual exile and foster a space to explore progressive, compassionate, and deeply spiritual lives. Together, let's navigate this path toward a richer, more inclusive faith experience.

Who are 'Believers in Exile?'

Those committed to being a person of monotheistic faith, but not at the cost of leaving their intellect and convictions at the door. They love God; they recognize the uniqueness of what happens when people gather to worship in a sacred space. They are convinced the Way of God is the way of love, life, and freedom from the domination systems of this world.

Notes from Exile

Notes from Exile guide those on a journey toward a progressive, compassionate, and deeply spiritual faith. Together, let’s explore a richer, more inclusive experience of God.


I'd love to connect! Here's where you can can find me.

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